Brazilian Education Program for development for iOS

BEPiD – Brazilian Education Program for development for iOS
Client: Catholic University of Brasília
At the time, the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB) was starting a program for the students in technology courses to train them to develop applications for iOS.
According to the briefing, the client needed a logo that could work on its own but also had ties to the overall visual identity of the institution. The main goal was to identify the University as the home of the Program to the general public.
After defining the goals and demands for this specific project with the client, we did some research on the visual characteristics of the the applications and devices developed for iOS, and proceeded to depict those characteristics in the context of UCB’s visual identity.

The starting point after that was the UCB logo itself. Considering all of its visual elements (colors, typography, iconography), we proceeded to create a logo that made a callback to those elements without any interventions on the original logo itself. And, to link it all to the iOS, we utilized the basic chape of app icons used in those devices.

Finally, as we developed the logo, we came to the solution presented here. It merges the elements of UCB’s visual identity to the shape of the iOS app icon. The visual treatment of the icon rounds up and finishes the logo.